Tuesday, 25 March 2014

1- Where will you publish your ad? Why did you choose that source?

- I will publish my ad on billboards in the city because all the people that pass in the street will see the billboards with the ad.

2- What is the message that you want to transmit?

- That my cellphone will be the best for adventurers of all the world.

3- Who will be your targer audience (specify gender, age, preferences, who these people are, etc)

- My target audience will be people who like adventures, like climb mountains and do scubba diving.

4- What stereotype you will use? Why you use it? What does this stereotype respresent?

- My stereotype will be the people who like adventurers and scubba diving.

5- What rhetoric devices will you use? Ethos, Pathos or Logos? Why did you choose this/these rhetoric devices? How will they be present in your advertisement?

-I will use Logos and Pathos

6- What will be your slogan? What kind of images will you use? What will be your ad layout? Why? Sketch your design in the box on the rigth.

- The unique cellphone that resists hard things and water for adventure people and the one who like mountains and scubba divers.

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